Behaviors Treated

Using cutting edge psychological and behavioral techniques, I’ll help you to achieve your training goals. Paradoxically, our culture expects that dogs only act like dogs when we want them to. Like zto bark and ward off intruders but not to bark at that scary human walking by on the sidewalk. Think of training as the one bit of sanity in your dogs life that helps them to successfully navigate their human-centric world keeping them out of harms way.

Basic Obedience and Manners

  • Sit, Stay, Come: Fundamental commands every dog should learn for basic control and safety.

  • Leash Pulling: Training dogs to walk calmly on a leash without pulling.

  • Jumping Up: Teaching dogs not to jump on people as a greeting or for attention.

  • Barking: Managing excessive barking through behavioral training.

  • Door Dashing: Preventing dogs from bolting through open doors.

Socialization Issues

Aggression Towards People or Other Dogs: Addressing and modifying aggressive behaviors through controlled exposure, desensitization, and positive reinforcement.

Fearfulness: Helping dogs overcome fears of people, noises, or objects through gradual exposure and positive associations.

Resource Guarding: Training dogs to not aggressively guard food, toys, people, or other objects.

Social Skills: Teaching dogs how to interact properly with other dogs and people.

Anxiety-Related Behaviors

Separation Anxiety: Alleviating distress and destructive behaviors when left alone.

Noise Phobias: Addressing fears related to loud noises like fireworks or thunderstorms.

Compulsive Behaviors: Treating repetitive behaviors (e.g., tail chasing, excessive licking) that may be stress-related.

House Training Issues

Potty Training: Establishing a consistent routine for puppies and adult dogs to eliminate outside.

Marking: Addressing territorial or anxiety-induced urine marking inside the house.

Crate Training: Teaching dogs to see their crate as a safe and comfortable space.

Miscellaneous Behavioral Issues

Chewing: Directing natural chewing tendencies towards appropriate objects.

Digging: Managing or redirecting digging behaviors.

Stealing and Counter-Surfing: Preventing theft of food or objects from tables and counters.